Climate Change - The World in Black and White.
I would like to say a few words about climate activist Greta Thunberg. I was an eighties teen and am now one of the oldies she offended and blamed for the modern crisis
I'd like to say this. if you must blame someone, blame the yuppies and big corporations of that era. I can very well recall that the older generations at the time, did warn against the use of plastics and of disposable items, saying the throw away society is the 'heighth of laziness'. however big business is very persuasive and guilty of brainwashing the masses with tv ads and various other celebrity
and media outlets. Much the same as Greta is doing now.
It's so inconsiderate to glare at the cameras and get angrily aggressive at the people watching and suggest they stole your future, when it was they that gave you the opportunity to save the future. yes the climate is in trouble, yes people can see it and no the elderly are not to blame. they did fore-warn us, some were listening, some were not. Its still the same
today. its 'apples and oranges here Greta'?
Times change, people don't, they will always say it was; the blame of the generation before. The way I look at it ...
The generation before me had no life without fear. Fear of bombs, fear of losing loved ones, fear of losing their youth on a war and debt that followed that should never have happened. Then, to the slow but definite decline, in a break down of the nuclear family. The baby boom then, nothing coming through but programmes like Euro trash (sorry but it was trash). so much has changed in their lifetime, through no fault of theirs. so no the elderly are blameless. It's not a generation that destroyed a living planet. evil has no genre. it's invisible to the naked eye and could be anywhere, in anyone. young, old, black, white, gay straight Christian or atheist, rich, poor and that is why I believe wales is right beside you in this climate war, although I must stress I do not speak for the whole of Wales, we each have minds of our own. (:
I'm interested in the environment and the cesspit we diligently call home but treat like a cesspit. Basically we are turning this planet into an acid bath, whilst calling it milk and honey. Mankind is the dirtiest animal on the planet but hails himself as a god amongst inferiors. No more mankind? no more problem!
Mother earth to me is a living organism that is sick, we are killing her and in return it threatens our own sanity and existence. In fact we are depending on her to recover from ... US!
without us she can-not survive yet with us she can-not survive. What is she to do? Its only a matter of time before we are only able to enjoy Nature on a black and white screen ...

Beauty disappearing before your square eyes. Sadly that's true and time is ticking away.
Thankfully horses are not endangered yet but think of all the species that are now on the endangered list and the ones that are already extinct. Scientists confirmed in 2018 that 3 bird species had become extinct and that about 30-50% of Earths species may disappear by 2050. Mostly caused by humans. Not long to go then? Why is this happening...
natural selection plays a huge part in a natural extinction. natural extinction is a natural process but as a species disappears because of humans, it causes all sorts of ecological problems. Disease rises in both the animal kingdom and for humans as a result. Protecting habitats is so important. if one link (species) is missing it affects other links and causes other problems, the eco system would become imbalanced, maybe even collapse. That really depends on us.

I'd hate to say goodbye to some of these amazing species, our children's children might never know what it's like to find and care for some beautiful creatures, like the hedgehog. Since the 1950's the hedgehog has declined in numbers rapidly. It's estimated that there are only one and a half million left in the UK today, from 30 million in the 50's.
Friends of the Earth