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The Witches Corner (Dawn)

Plants have taught us that we can overcome illness, with their help. Shrubs, trees, herbs and weeds, all have properties that can harm or heal. How we utilise those properties depends on our survival. nature/nurture, if we respect nature, she will nurture us and in many instances 'cure' us. There's a lot to be learned from plants! In fact we are depending on them for our survival. Their medicinal benefits are second to none. Learn all you can about them.

Holistic medicine has been around since forever but in this modern age we all seem to rely on a Doctor to help us when we are feeling unwell, my aim is to give you simple yet effective help, made with the ingredients that are probably in your kitchen or garden.


With colds and flu season here again this is my recipe for a simple remedy to help combat all the yucky symptoms ...

1 waxed Lemon cut into quarters.

An inch of fresh Ginger peeled and chopped.

A jar of local Honey. O

Place into a small saucepan, about 4/5 oz water, bring to the boil. Add the Cut pieces of Lemon and chopped Ginger pieces, bring back to boil then lower the heat and simmer for 5/10 minutes, remove from the heat and strain into a clean jug, add about half of the Honey and stir till dissolved, pour into a clean glass bottle and when cool store in the fridge. To use simply pour a small amount into your cup or mug add boiling water and enjoy. You can easily amend the taste to suit yourself by adding more Honey. If you have a cough to go with that cold treat yourself to a spoonful of Honey to help your sore throat.

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