Celtic Heaven - The World in Colour.

To follow the right path is to follow your soul, trust your gut instinct and don't allow others to cloud your judgement. When you know in your heart something is not right, listen to yourself. Only you will have the answer. Stay close to nature and let her guide you. She speaks in many ways, you just have to learn to listen, in as many ways.
She is your little corner of the world, wherever you are. For me; this is Wales. Here we feel blessed, we have rain, we have wind, we have sunshine and we have green pastures and for this we are eternally grateful. what makes it so special is that, it's ours. A colourful world filled with magical creatures, that most only get to see on a screen. We call it 'Gods Country'

Its not really heaven but it is our paradise and 'HOME!' Where we were meant to be, subdue and care for her.